Monday, June 11, 2012


I realized I have not posted photos from Laura's and Glen's wedding.  Beautiful day for an outside wedding in Savannah!  The ceremony was sweet, great food and dancing at the reception, and tons of photos taken!

Michele, Me, Glenn, and Tyler

Michele and Tyler

Daddy, Donna, Mama, and me

 Lisa, Lacee, Donna, Laura, Rick, and Lynda

The bride and groom and kids:
back row is Glen, Laura, and Maciah
front row is Cade, Summer, Delany, and Aiden

 Glenn and his mom, Rose

 Allison and Tyler

 Michele and Tyler

It was so nice to have Michele, Tyler, Allison, and Rose at our house; and great to be able to spend time with family at the wedding.  The 4 days that the kids were here just went by way too fast.  I want them to come back and be able to stay a lot longer!

1 comment:

blsd2scrp said...

what great pics! love them! blessings!