Monday, June 11, 2012

History Lesson

I went to my mom's house this past week-end.  We visited with my great uncle Bill who is my maternal grandmother's brother.  We had a very nice visit catching up.  And I know you will not believe this, but I forgot to take any photos!  How did that happen?  Neither my mom, my sister, or me thought to snap any pics . . . a little unbelievable since we are all scrappers!

We went back to my sisters house and my dad had given her a couple of boxes of photos.  We sat there for 4 hours going through photos, writing on the back who was in the photo.  I'm glad my mom and dad were there because if one didn't know who was in the picture, the other did know.  It was fun, but tiring!

Here's where the history lesson comes in . . . after that, we went to my mom's house and there was a box in her closet that she wanted to find out what was inside.  A plethora of notes on our family history on my mom's side of the family!  Joy! We spent some time the next day copying information so that both me and my sister both had it in our hot little hands!

My goal is to start a blog about each of my family lines, plus Glenn's family lines.  I'd like to put information on it such as birth dates, place of birth, jobs, burial sites, etc.  I also want to include photos that we have on hand.  I think it will be a good starting tool so that if anyone in the family has anything to add, it will be available.  I really love going through photos, and family history information to find out my roots.

1 comment:

Mama Jo said...

Very interesting info and will be wonderful to have a "family" blog.