Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Stuff

There is so much going on right now:

1. I joined a book club - I'm so excited! I've read the first book: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Really a good book and amazing things like that happened - I can't even imagine!
2. I joined the Ventura County Writer's Club - I'm nervous but excited and really want to learn the craft of writing. I've had some classes before but really want to get more serious.
3. We are moving again!! Can't believe it, but after being in our rental for 2 months, we have to move to another rental. Oh well, we've signed a year lease on this new place and I'm hoping we'll be really happy there.

Ok, that's about it right now . . . oh wait, one more thing.
4. - it's very addicting, but cool!!

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