Friday, January 1, 2010


I have high hopes for 2010. I always try to make some new year resolutions, but I never stick with any of them. I'm only making a couple of them this year . . . which I'll keep to myself, just in case . . .
I haven't been keeping up with the blog since middle of last year. Lots of things were going on, but nothing I want to talk about any more. Letting go of the past nastiness and depression and moving forward.
Family is doing good. Glenn worked a lot of overtime at the end of 2009 - he's due for a few days of rest. He's missing being on the motorcycle.
Michele graduated college in December!!! We are so proud of her. She's been stressed out about classes; now she's stressed out about finding a job!
Tyler has been working full time, but has decided to go back to college (we are very proud of him too); he's in Vegas for the new year . . . party boy!
Hope everyone has an amazing 2010 - many happy memories, lots of love and happiness, and always help your fellow man.


LauraPallini said...

Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Im glad things are going good out there. I hope we get to see you sometime soon! Love you lots!!!!!

Dendawg said...

Happy New Year....