Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Stuff

There is so much going on right now:

1. I joined a book club - I'm so excited! I've read the first book: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Really a good book and amazing things like that happened - I can't even imagine!
2. I joined the Ventura County Writer's Club - I'm nervous but excited and really want to learn the craft of writing. I've had some classes before but really want to get more serious.
3. We are moving again!! Can't believe it, but after being in our rental for 2 months, we have to move to another rental. Oh well, we've signed a year lease on this new place and I'm hoping we'll be really happy there.

Ok, that's about it right now . . . oh wait, one more thing.
4. - it's very addicting, but cool!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I haven't been reading as much as normal. I did just finish a book by Ciji Ware called "Cottage by the Sea" that I really liked. I downloaded it for free on the Kindle. The setting is in Cornwall England, a little cottage on the coast. A woman goes there after a divorce and remembering her grandmother told her she was a descendant of the owners of the cottage and castle. It was a good read!

I'm reading "The Journey Home" by Michael Baron. I'm only 3 chapters in to it, but so far it's pretty good. It's about a man who loses his memory and trying to find his way back to his wife. Looking forward to reading the rest.

I was reading "The Secret Holocaust Diaries" but kind of lost interest. I'll have to pick up where I left off and try to finish it.

More Digital

I've done several more digital layouts. I have been posting again on ClubCreatingKeepsakes - I had not posted for about 6 months due to work, moving, etc. but found I missed "talking" to all the members, and doing the challenges for cards and layouts.

This is for the "Book of Me" challenge. Can't wait to see what the next layout will be.

This was for the layout challenge for the week of July 17-23 - using a "Summer" theme. I chose to use photos of us at the Malibu Winery on a Friday night. Such a fun time, eating a picnic dinner, sipping wine, and enjoying the band.

And this was for the July Color Challenge - use black, brown and white on your layout or project. I didn't think the black and brown would be too pretty, but I used a light shade of brown and I really like it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going Digital??

I'm trying digital, but don't think I'll be totally digital . . . I still love to "feel" the paper and embellishments of traditional scrapping! Plus I've got too many photos already printed out to stop traditional scrapping!

Here's one of my attempts at digital:

Isn't he the cutest puppy ever?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July Week-end of FUN!

We had a really busy, but fun Fourth of July week-end! It started Friday, July 1st - we had dinner at Gino's Trattoria with Debbie and Jarod. Good food, good wine, good friends!

Jarod and Debbie

Me and Glenn

After dinner, we went to the Canyon Club to see Ted Nugent! Good music, even though I really didn't listen to him growing up except for "Cat Scratch Fever." Uncle Ted, as he calls himself, is very outspoken, very conservative, very supportive of the military, and very much in favor of the NRA! It was fun, but my ears are still ringing!

Ted Nugent

Glenn had to work Saturday, but we took a little motorcycle ride on Sunday, July 3rd, with Debbie and Jarod. We went the back way to Ojai, then rode to Cold Springs Tavern on the 154. There were so many bikes, and cars. They had a band playing out front! I think we rode around 200 miles that day! Awesome day for a ride!

Patriotic boaters!

Debbie and Jarod

Me and my wild hog!

Beautiful orange groves in Ventura.

Train Depot in Santa Paula.

Ojai Valley from the top of the 150 (right past Dennison Park).

Cold Springs Tavern off the 154 - I don't think I've seen as many people there - crowded!

The band playing - harmonica, bass, banjo, and snare drum but he used a cardboard box!

And on the Fourth of July we celebrated at the house - 1625 Valley High Avenue.

Peggy, Tyler, and Allison

Dan, Pam, Danielle, and Jim

Kelly, Nelson, Manny, and Glenn

Thanks to all our men and women who have kept the USA free - we appreciate your sacrifice and pray for you all.

God Bless America, Land that I Love!