Glenn and I rode to Victorville, CA today to the California State Rally - sponsored by HOG. We had not been to a State Rally and really thought it would be fun. Victorville is about 2 1/2 hours away.
We paid $45 each for registration. We bought 2 tickets for a quilt raffle, but you had to be present to win and the drawing wasn't until 7:00pm. I also bought a rally pin to put on my vest. If we had pre-registered, we would have received a t-shirt and a pin as part of registration. There were 4 local rides posted that were self-guided, and they had a poker run. We were really excited to see what kind of vendors would be at the event, but they said Harley doesn't allow too many vendors because they want you to purchase merchandise from the local dealer. There were only about 7 vendors in one building. There was a concert planned for the afternoon, but no one we had heard of. All in all, we were disappointed. Next time we'll know that these rally's are basically to get you in the town and have some rides mapped out so you can see the area.
We went to the Victorville Harley dealer - Glenn bought some new gloves and a HD belt buckle.
After that we headed to Big Bear and took the back route that was well worth the time. It was beautiful scenery on winding roads to the Lake. Michele and Tyler happened to be there. There was an event called Hot Dawgz and Hand Rails, and the company Tyler works for, Neff, had a tent set up. They were giving away stickers and beanies. We hung out for a while and headed home. We rode 366 miles. It was a great day!

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