Remember when I flew to Nashville to see Keith Urban's rehearsal and it didn't work out? Well, John totally hooked me up with 2 backstage meet & greet passes and 3rd row tickets to his concert last night at Staples Center in Los Angeles!! I took my cousin Kim because we had been planning since February to go to the concert. The meet & greet started at 6:15pm - we were escorted into a room where they set up a Bar-b-q; I was hungry but I couldn't eat because I was so excited and nervous! There was 120 fans and after we ate, we were escorted in groups of 6 to another room to meet Keith Urban and have a group photo with him. *We weren't able to take photos with our own cameras* Keith HUGGED the ladies as we entered the room! He asked each of us our name and then we had our group photo taken. After this, we went back into the big room and he came out and sang 2 songs - Kim and I were sitting in the first row - we were 2 feet away from him. OMG is he handsome and I LOVE the accent. He was very personable and cracked some jokes. By the time we got to our seats (3rd row!!!) his opening act, Lady Antebellum, was about halfway through their set. I really like them - they harmonize so well together. Keith and band came out around 8:45pm and sang for 2 1/2 hours - it was such a great show. There were people of all ages at the concert. We saw Nichole Kidman. What a great, great evening! I can't thank John enough for the awesome tickets and backstage passes - Chaos Visual Productions rocks!!!

Lady Antebellum

Keith Urban - up close and personal!

"Who Wouldn't Want to be Me?"

Check out these video panels - that's the work of Chaos Video Productions - awesome!

A little guitar action.
I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to top that concert experience. It was a little surreal watching him perform - he is one talented guy!