We went to Kauai and had a WONDERFUL time. We stayed at the Pona Kai condominiums in the town of Kapa'a. There was a lot of us - Glenn, me, Michele, Tyler, Kelly Miller, Lindsay, Nichole, and Greg; Chris Adams, his girlfriend Hanna, and her brother John flew from Oahu and stayed for 5 days with us as well. So much to do there - we explored the beaches, went kayaking and hiking to waterfalls, took a helicopter ride over the island, played around at the pool - relaxation and paradise at it's best!

Tyler at Anini Beach

Tunnels beach

Michele, Nichole, Lindsay and Kelly at sushi dinner

Glenn, Margie, Michele and Tyler hiking to Secret Falls

Coconut trees and paradise - great combination

Margie and Michele in Kapa'a

As Michele said - the whitest family in Hawaii!

Margie and Glenn at the Harley Davidson of Kauai - we are hog wild!

NaPali Coast from the helicopter. Pictures just don't do the beauty justice.

Ke'e Beach - this is where we went snorkeling and was surrounded by sea turtles eating off of the reef - amazing!

We were at Dukes at the Marriott Resort in Li'hue - this was our view . . . . . .

This is the sunrise on the day we left. The weather was great the whole trip - very little rain, light ocean breeze - could not have asked for a better trip:)