Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween

Friday is Halloween! I made Halloween cards for everyone and they are still sitting on my desk! Looks like I've got a head start on them for next year . . .

It's been a really busy past couple of weeks. I've been working on my boss's daughter's 10th birthday party - it was Saturday a week ago. Lot's of fun - the theme was a movie premier. We had a "pink" carpet and photo opportunity at the end; DJ and dancing; henna tattoo artist; eyelash artist. The decorations were great. We gave all the girls feather boas to walk down the carpet and the boys had top hats. It was FUN but a lot of hard work.

Last week-end Glenn and I went to Las Vegas. A friend was in a golf tournament and Glenn caddied for him. I, of course, stayed at the hotel - specifically in the casino. I didn't win, but I had so much fun! At least I didn't lose as much money this time as last!!!

Michele and Tyler are dressing up for Halloween - I'll try and take some pictures to post.

Happy Halloween to all - hope you get more treats than tricks!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


California Republicans

Glenn and I had the opportunity to attend the McCain-Palin Reception last night at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency. Unfortunately, McCain was in Washington because of the bailout vote, and Palin was getting ready for the Vice-Presidential Debate. Cindy McCain and Todd Palin were there and spoke to the crowd. It was very exciting. We met Jon Voight, and Dennis Miller. Kelsey Grammer was there and spoke; Gary Sinese was there; and Ron Howard's brother was there. We went with my boss, Chuck, and his wife Jen.

Right now, Glenn is at a reception for Tony Strickland who is running for California State Senate. I know Glenn is having a good time. He LOVES politics. I'm the one who really doesn't like discussing it. I don't know very much about the issues like Glenn does. I really should study the issues more. He listens to talk radio just albout all day, and watches Hannity and Colmbs when he gets home.

The election should be good . . . get out and vote!